Welcome to Star Haven Studios, a showcase of works created by me, Anikiki!

As a fan of animation and video games, I have been inspired to do prints and designs, as well as discuss them in my blog. The reason why I find animation and video games fascinating is because there is some form of fantasy and nostalgia that people like, which can inspire them to interprate their feelings in some different form (e.g, a unique story, fan art). Well, any form of art inspires other art, but because animation and video games make up a huge part of my childhood, these two topics are what I will focus.

No content in this site (or any place associated with me or with Star Haven Studios) may be reproduced without my permission, and if given permission, must be credited with my name or by Star Haven Studios.

Any questions, comments, and concerns, e-mail me starhavenstudios@gmail.com, or connect with me by pressing one of the social media buttons on the top-right page.